Welcome to Tux Racer! On these pages you will find a description
of in-game controls as well as an explanation of how to use the Tux Racer
interface. For any questions you have that are not answered in this section
feel free to check out our FAQ (Frequently Asked
Questions) section or email us at
The main goal in Tux Racer is to have fun! Race down mountainous
terrain as quickly as possible, while collecting herring to increase your
Table of Contents
- Installing Tux Racer
- Linux
- Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000
- Starting Tux Racer
- Linux
- Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000
- The Main Menu
- Navigating Menus
- Main Menu Options
- Controls
- Turning
- Paddling/Flapping
- Braking
- Jumping
- Hard Turning
- Reset
- Quit
- Racing Screen
- Speedometer
- Energometer
- Time Elapsed
- Herring Collected
- Cup Racing
- Cup Selection Menu
- Cup Race Selection Menu
- Required Time/Herring/Score
- Lives
- Practice Racing
- Practice Menu
- Race Options
- Lighting Conditions
- Wind
- Snow
- Mirror
- Scoring
- Game Options
- Options File
- Credits

1. Installing Tux Racer
1.1 Linux
From Source
Make sure you have (and have correctly installed) the following libraries:
- An implementation of the OpenGL API version 1.1 or greater
(Mesa versions >= 3.2 work; see
Note that you will need a hardware-accelerated
implementation of OpenGL in order for Tux Racer to be
- The GLUT library, version 3.7 beta or greater. This is
distributed in the MesaDemos package, so if you have installed
Mesa you probably also have GLUT. Otherwise, see
- Tcl Version 8.0 or greater.
- (Optional) Simple DirectMedia Layer (SDL) Version 1.1.1 or greater. This is
required for joystick support.
- (Optional) SDL_mixer Version 1.0 or greater. This
is required for sound and music support.
Obtain the tuxracer-<version>.tar.gz and
tuxracer-data-<version>.tar.gz files from the
Downloads page.
Unpack the code tarball:
shell$ tar xvfz tuxracer-<version>.tar.gz
shell$ cd tuxracer-<version>
Configure for your system:
shell$ ./configure <configure options>
Many people will be able to run configure without passing any
options. The more commonly-used configure options are:
- --prefix=DIR: Specify where to install
tuxracer. (The tuxracer binary will be
placed in DIR/bin)
- --with-tcl-libs=DIR: Specify Tcl library location
- --with-tcl-inc=DIR: Specify Tcl header file location
- --with-tcl-lib-name=NAME: Specify Tcl library base name
- --with-gl-libs=DIR: Specify OpenGL library location
- --with-gl-inc=DIR: Specify OpenGL header file location
- --with-glut-libs=DIR: Specify GLUT library location
- --with-glut-inc=DIR: Specify GLUT header file location
- --enable-stencil-buffer: Use if your hardware has a stencil buffer
- --with-data-dir=PATH: Location of tuxracer data directory
(can be also configured in options file later)
Run ./configure --help for a complete list of options.
Tux Racer should compile cleanly, with few (if any)
warnings. Please see the FAQ or our Support page
if Tux Racer fails to compile.
Install the tuxracer binary:
Unless you specified the --prefix option when you ran
configure, this command will install the tuxracer binary in
Install the data files:
shell$ cd /usr/local/share
shell$ tar xvfz /path/to/tuxracer-data-<version>.tar.gz
shell$ mv tuxracer-data-<version> tuxracer
You may install the data files anywhere you wish, but
tuxracer looks in /usr/local/share/tuxracer by default.
You're done!
From RPMs
Obtain tuxracer-<version>.rpm and
tuxracer-data-<version>.rpm from your distribution vendor
(Sunspire Studios is not providing RPMs at this time).
As root, run:
shell$ rpm -Uvh tuxracer-data-<version>.rpm
shell$ rpm -Uvh tuxracer-<version>.rpm
You're done!
1.2 Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000
Obtain the tuxracer-win32-<version>.zip file from the
Downloads page.
Unzip this file to your hard drive. You will need a program
like Winzip to do this.
You're done!

2. Starting Tux Racer
2.1 Linux
Assuming you installed the tuxracer binary to somewhere that is
in your PATH, Tux Racer can be started as follows:
If you get a message like this:
*** tuxracer error: Can't find the tuxracer data directory. Please check the
value of `data_dir' in ~/.tuxracer/options and set it to the location where you
installed the tuxracer-data files.
then you need to follow the instructions in this message.
2.2 Windows 95/98/ME/NT/2000
To run Tux Racer, simply open the tuxracer-win32-<version> folder
that was created when you installed the game, and double-click on

3. The Main Menu
3.1 Navigating Menus
Below are some descriptions of the various
menus you will use to navigate through Tux Racer.
This is the first screen you see once Tux Racer
is started. You can hit any key or click the mouse to move on to the Main
3.2 Main Menu Options
This is the Main Menu in Tux Racer. Note that
if you hit the Esc key while in this window it will exit the game.
Clicking on this will take you to the Cup Selection Menu.
You can also press the Enter or E keys.
- Clicking on this
will take you to the Practice Selection Menu.
You can also press the P key.
- Clicking on this
will show you the Credits. You can also press the C
- Clicking on this
will exit Tux Racer. You can also press the Esc key.

4. Controls
Tux Racer has been designed to make controlling Tux easy
and fun. The menus can be navigated with mouse and keyboard, and Tux is controlled
using the keyboard.
Please note: instead of using the Arrow keys for movement
controls, you can also use I, J, K, L. These alternate mappings have been
provided for your convenience.
4.1 Turning
Use the Left Arrow and Right Arrow keys to turn. The longer
you hold down the key, the farther Tux will turn in that direction.
4.2 Paddling/Flapping
Use the Up Arrow key to make Tux paddle when on the ground
and make Tux flap his wings when in the air. This will help you gain speed,
especially at the start of the race. Once Tux's speed is in the yellow area
of the Speedometer, paddling will no longer increase
his speed, but instead start to slow him down.
When Tux becomes airborne, flapping his wings will help
him stay in the air longer. Use the turn keys while flapping to adjust Tux's
direction while in the air.
4.3 Braking
Use the Down Key to make Tux brake. This will slow him down,
which is useful in getting through some tricky spots on the courses. Remember
that Tux can turn tighter when raveling at slower speeds.
4.4 Jumping
Use the E key for jumping. To jump, you must first press
and hold the E key to first charge energy. This will cause the Energometer
level to increase. The fuller the Energometer, the bigger the jump. Releasing
the E key will use the charged energy to make Tux jump.
Tux can start charging for the next jump (by pressing E)
while still in the air.
4.5 Hard Turning
To do a hard turn, hold down the brake key (Down Arrow)
and then press one of the turn keys (Left Arrow or Right Arrow). This will
cause Tux to do a sharp turn, but will also slow him down.
4.6 Reset
The Backspace key is used to reset Tux's position. If you
get stuck on a course, press this key.
4.7 Quit
Pressing the Q key while racing will end the current board.

5. Racing Screen
Once you are racing, you will have a number
of displays. This section describes what each of these are.
- Speedometer tells you how fast you are going.
- Energometer tells you how much energy you have
- Elapsed Time tells you how long you have been racing
in the race.
- Herring Collected tells you how many herring you
have collected so far in the race.
5.1 Speedometer
The Speedometer shows the current speed of
Tux. The speed is displayed in graphic form around the outside of the Energometer,
and also in numeric form over the Energometer. As Tux's speed increases, the
colour of the Speedometer changes from green to yellow and then to red. When
in the yellow, paddling will no longer increase Tux's speed, but instead will
beginning to slow him down. Once in the red zone you will find steering difficult.
5.2 Energometer
The Energometer displays Tux's current energy
level. As the circle fills with blue, Tux's energy increases until the circle
is full. The Energometer decides how far and high Tux can jump. See the Jumping
section for more information.
5.3 Elapsed Time
The number in the top left of the screen shows
the elapsed time for the current race.
5.4 Herring Collected
The number in the top right of the screen shows
how many herring Tux has collected in the current race.

6. Cup Racing
The races in Tux Racer are grouped into events.
Currently, there is only one Event in Tux Racer, the Herring Run, in which
you must collect a certain number of herring within a specified time.
6.1 Cup Selection Menu
The races in each event are grouped into cups
- each cup consists of a series of races that you must complete, in sequence,
before you may advance to the next cup. You are given four lives to complete
each cup and lose one for each time you fail to win a race. Once you run out
of lives, you must restart the cup from the beginning.
In the Cup Racing Menu you can select the event
and cup in which you will compete. This section describes the menus that are
used on the Cup Selection Menu.
Cup Selection Menu
The name of the currently selected cup class. You can cycle through the classes
by clicking on the arrow buttons. You can also use the Left Arrow and Right
Arrow keys to cycle through the events.
- The name of the
cup inside the currently selected cup class. You can select the cups by clicking
on the arrow buttons. You can also use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow keys to
cycle through the cups.
- Display message
informing you whether or not you are eligible to play this cup
- Back to the Main
- Go to the Cup
Race Selection Menu.
Cup Race Selection Menu
When competing in a cup that you have not yet
completed, this menu guides you through the races in the cup. You must complete
the races in order. For example, you must win the first race in a cup before
you can enter the second race. You are given four lives in which to complete
all of the races in a cup. If you run out of lives, you will have to reenter
the cup and start over from the first race.
This section describes the menus that are used
on the Cup Race Selection Menu.
Cup Race Menu
The name of the currently selected course. You can cycle through the course
by clicking the arrow buttons. You can also use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow
keys to cycle through the courses.
- The required
criteria for completing the course. You must beat each of the 3 possible criteria
in order to move onto the next course in the cup.
- A description
of the course
- Number of lives
- A preview of
the course.
- Back to the Cup
Selection Menu .
- Start the race.
Once you have completed a cup, this menu can
be used to replay any of the races in a cup so that you can life to improve
your score.
Required Time/Herring/Score
Below the name of the course is a listing of
the requirements to beat it. The course may have requirements for maximum
time, herring collected, overall score, or any combination of these. To progress
to the next course you must beat these requirements. The time listed is the
time to beat, the herring listed is the minimum number of herring you must
collect, and the score is the minimum score you need to get.
If any of the requirements are listed as 0,
then there is no requirement in that category.
To complete each cup, you only have a set number
of lives to beat all of the courses. If you beat a course, you don't lose
any lives, and proceed to the next course. If you do not beat the course,
then you use up on of your lives (one Tux will disappear from the row) and
you can life the same course again. When all your lives are exhausted (no
more Tux's in the row) then you can not continue the cup, and must reenter
the cup and start over from the first race.
If you quit a course during a race (by pressing
Esc) then you lose one life.

7. Practice Racing
Tux Racer has a Practice mode in which you
can hone your racing skills. In Practice mode there is no lives counter, so
you can play any course as often as you like. You can also customize the race
options for more challenge.
7.1 Practice Menu
The Practice Menu lets you choose a course
on which to race, and allows you to customize the race options.
Practice Menu
The name of the currently selected course. You can cycle through the course
by clicking the arrow buttons. You can also use the Up Arrow and Down Arrow
keys to cycle through the courses.
- The best score
achieved on this course. If this area is blank it means you have not tried
the course yet.
- A description
of the course.
- Options of the
race. See Race Options below.
- A preview of
the course.
- Back to the Main
- Start the race.
Note: All user-created or downloaded courses
are only available through the Practice Menu.
7.2 Race Options
A number of options can be set for the current
race on the Practice Menu.
7.2.1 Lighting Conditions
Clicking on the Lighting Conditions button
will change the time/weather on the course. The options are Sunny, Foggy,
and Night.
7.2.2 Wind
Clicking on the Wind button will toggle wind
on or off. Wind gusts across the course and makes things more challenging
for Tux when he is in the air.
7.2.3 Snow
Snow is currently not implemented.
7.2.4 Mirror
Clicking on the Mirror button will flip the
course so the left is right and right is left.
7.3 Scoring
Points can be obtained in two ways, by beating
the Par Time for the course, and by collecting herring. Move quickly and grab
as many herring as possible to get the highest score. Each herring collected
will give you the same number of points as beating the par time by two seconds.

8. Game Options
8.1 Options File
Under Linux the options file is located in
the ~/.tuxracer directory. Under Windows the options file is located in the
config directory, which can be found in the directory in which you installed
Tux Racer. This file is plain text, and is editable with any text editor,
such as vi or Notepad.

9. Credits
Director/Lead Programmer
Jasmin Patry
Programming Team
Patrick Gilhuly
Eric Hall
Vincent Ma
Art Team
Richard Knowles
Mark Riddell