Tux Racer News Archive Tux Racer 0.60.2 Released for Linux Sunday, October 15, 2000
This is a bug-fix release affecting the tuxracer Linux package only.
This release fixes a bug that allowed cheating in cup mode (yes, I
know some of you will be dissapointed :-). The configure script has also
been completely rewritten -- it now checks for all OpenGL
requirements, and finds OpenGL and Tcl in more locations.
Update (Oct. 15, 11:30 PM EST): I've discovered some problems
with the configure script in 0.60.2, so I've released 0.60.3, which
fixes those problems. If you downloaded 0.60.2 and it worked,
there's no need to get 0.60.3, as the code hasn't changed at all.

Slashdotted! Sunday, October 8, 2000
On Friday, Slashdot ran a nice
piece on Tux Racer. Of course, we
"suffered" from the Slashdot effect -- receiving over 120,000 hits to
our web site, and just under 20,000 downloads (not including mirror
Kudos to SourceForge for being able to keep up with this traffic!

Tux Racer Rated on FreeGamesWeb.com Thursday, October 5, 2000
FreeGamesWeb.com has rated
Tux Racer a "Top Pick!"

Tux Racer Review on Total Demos Thursday, October 5, 2000
Total Demos has posted a review of Tux
Racer, giving the game a "Recommended" rating (score 82%, 5/5 for
gameplay). Thanks Total Demos!

Tux Racer Review on Tucows Wednesday, October 4, 2000
Tucows has posted a review of Tux Racer,
giving the game their highest rating:
(5/5 penguins!)
Tucows is also mirroring the Tux Racer files; links are on the
Downloads page. Thanks Tucows!

Debian Packages Available Wednesday, October 4, 2000
Oliver M. Bolzer has updated his Debian packages for Tux Racer.
Instructions for obtaining and installing them are on the Downloads page.

Tux Racer 0.60.1 Released Tuesday, October 3, 2000
This is a bug-fix release affecting the tuxracer Linux package only.
The fix addresses a compiling problem with
older gl.h files. Thanks to Steve Baker for reporting this.

Call for Mirror Sites Tuesday, October 3, 2000
Several users have reported slow transfer rates when downloading from
SourceForge. We are looking for mirror sites for our files in order
to alleviate this problem. If you are able to mirror what will soon
grow to about 40 MB of files, and have sufficient bandwidth, please
contact jfpatry@sunspirestudios.com. Thanks.
We thank all of the people attempting to download Tux Racer for their
patience while we resolve this matter.
Update (October 4, 10:45 AM EST): Thanks to all of those who
stepped up and offered to mirror our files. We now have several
mirrors set up, and that should be enough for the time being. Thanks

Tux Racer 0.60 Released Monday, October 2, 2000
Tux Racer 0.60 has been released. This is the
first public release of the game since Sunspire Studios joined the
development. The game now sports a completely revised interface, new
gameplay features, improved graphics, sound and music, and
joystick support. Both Linux and Windows versions of the
game can be downloaded from the Downloads section.